webspotter.com's growing network of computer and electronics websites
includes information on the following:
adwarespotter.com - adware and
spyware detection and removal
Applespotter.com - Apple Macintosh (Mac) computers
AppleTVspotter.com - Apple
TV digital media receiver
assetspotter.com - digital asset management solutions
blurayspotter.com - Blu-ray
Disc and Blu-ray Disc player
broadbandspotter.com - business
broadband and home broadband Internet,
such as cheapest broadband and best
broadband package
cameraspotter.com - buying a digital camera
CCTVspotter.com - closed-circuit
television (CCTV) security system
dialupspotter.com - dial-up
Internet connections and dial-up
diskspotter.com - hard disk data
DSLspotter.com - business DSL services,
including DSL for small business
DVRspotter.com - digital video
recorders (DVRs), including security
security systems and more
fiberspotter.com - fiber network (fiber
optic network), fiber optic
cable, including fiber optic
patch cables, fiber optic
connectors and more
fibrespotter.com - fibre channel (specifically fibre
channel storage) plus other fibre
optic stuff
flatspotter.com - flat-panel monitor
gadgetspotter.com - electronic gadgets
hackspotter.com - computer hacking and computer
hackers, including ethical
hacking and hacker protection
HDspotter.com - digital high-definition satellite TV
HDTVspotter.com - HDTVs
highspeedspotter.com - high-speed
Internet access, including high-speed
Internet providers and high-speed
hispeedspotter.com [sic] - a variation on the above: hi-speed
Internet providers, including hi-speed
IDspotter.com - identity fraud,
including identity theft protection and identity
theft insurance
iPodspotter.com - the Apple iPod,
including iPod shuffle, iPod
nano, iPod classic, iPod
touch, iPod accessories and iTunes
ISPspotter.com - Internet Service Providers, such as dial-up
IPSs, high-speed broadband, wireless
Internet service and satellite
Internet service
laptopspotter.com - laptop computers
LCDspotter.com - LCD monitors
LCDTVspotter.com - LCD HDTVs and LCD TV deals
Linuxspotter.com - Linux operating
system, Linux application, Linux
certification and more
malwarespotter.com - malware,
such as computer viruses, worms,
trojan horses and more
MCSEspotter.com - MCSE certification
Officespotter.com - Microsoft
Office software and Microsoft
Office training
OLEDspotter.com - organic LED displays, also known as OLED displays or OLED screens
OLEDTVspotter.com - OLED TVs
plasmaspotter.com - plasma mounts and plasma lifts
plasmaTVspotter.com - plasma HDTVs and plasma TV deals
portalspotter.com - enterprise portal solutions
projectorspotter.com - the best deals on DLP projectors, LCD projectors, home theater projectors and multimedia projectors
PS3spotter.com - PlayStation 3 (PS3)
consoles, PS3 games and how
to get a free PS3
PVRspotter.com - personal video
recorders (PVRs), sometimes
known as digital video recorders (DVRs)
RADspotter.com - rapid application
development (RAD)
remotespotter.com - remote desktop software
SaaSspotter.com - SaaS (software as a service)
satellitespotter.com - satellite
TV service and satellite
Internet service, including satellite
TV network and satellite
TV deals
softwarespotter.com - small
business software, including small
business CRM software and small
business payroll software
tonerspotter.com - laser printer toner cartridges
touchspotter.com - touch screens and touch
panels, including touch
screen computers and touch
screen computer monitors
troublespotter.com - computer
troubleshooting, such as troubleshooting
your PC
UNIXspotter.com - UNIX operating
systems, UNIX servers and UNIX
VDSspotter.com - virtual dedicated
servers (VDS), including virtual
dedicated hosting and VDS
Web hosting
VPSspotter.com - virtual private
servers (VPS), including virtual
private server hosting (VPS
webdevspotter.com - Web development
services, including business
website development and Internet
application development
wirelessspotter.com - wireless
networking solutions, including wireless
network monitoring, wireless
laptops and wireless
No shortage of topics here. Can you tell we're giant nerds?